Check Out Our Food Truck Advertising!

Everyone has an idea that comes to their mind at one time or another, an idea that seems revolutionary and world-changing, but not everyone takes the time to nurture that idea into a business and if you are one of the rare innovators who have decided to move beyond the idea stage and go directly to the action stage, this blog is for you. Obviously, it isn’t enough to just have a great idea that works, your idea must be brought to the masses, convincing everyone that they simply can’t go on another day without the product you sell. Modern Tortilla was once a small business itself, and we know the stresses, the problems, and the worries that go along with small business owners we had our own idea recently, one that will help you get your company off the ground. We have these big beautiful trucks that drive all over the Valley of the Sun, why don’t we take advantage of these mobile billboards and offer them up for food truck advertising?

Happy Customers Spend Easier

Here’s the thing. Happy people spend more money and no one is happier than those who are in the process of eating or have just finished their favorite tacos! Standing in line, waiting for their chance at the heavenly tastes that are available just a few steps up, endorphins are high and suddenly, they catch a glimpse of your ad. Curious enough to pull out their phone and type in the web address they explore more in-depth and the hardest part of being a small business owner has been achieved; getting your product out there to be noticed!

Multiple Ways to Spread your Message

Not only do people come to us seeking what they crave most (tacos) we spend a great portion of every day driving to various places making your advertising mobile and easily visible. Unlock a billboard that depends on people coming to it, our trucks go where everyone is showing off your product to everyone on our very congested freeways. Some companies have wrapped our trucks and taken them to special events, offering free giveaways and engaging with potential buyers in ways a billboard or internet article just can’t do. And if you want to dip your toes into internet advertising, add a hashtag to your message and watch the selfies flood the world wide web!

Our Trucks + Your Product = Success!

Give us a call today and let’s get your product out there to the masses!


Just give us some contact and event details below

