Kick Off The Arizona Summer With A Meal From Modern Tortilla!
As the mercury slowly creeps back up into the red zone (can you believe that we hit 96 degrees in the early days of spring this year?) desert dwellers are of two minds about the season that colder states dream about all year long. We know the days will be long, hot, and brutal but we can’t help but look forward to pool parties, summer vacations, and NOT having to take our children to a million different activities! And as such, we have discovered ways of taking the torture out of the high temperatures, starting with turning off our stoves and turning to Modern Tortilla for sustenance and joy! This guide to kicking off your Arizona summer in the most delicious of ways will help keep you on an even keel as the calendar pages begin to flip towards the hottest days of the year.
Spice up your Arizona Summer
The flavor of the Southwest is a spicy and intense one as we have learned that heat helps combat heat. The temperatures will be in the triple digits but your core temps will be just about perfect as you devour a Modern Mayan Taco filled with braised pork blended with roasted tomatoes, garlic, fresh avocado, pickled onion, and for a summery surprise, fresh and sweet pineapple! Wash this seasonal favorite down with your favorite soda or go whole summer and enjoy our delicious and refreshing mason jar lemonades and fall in love with the season all over again! The lighter eaters in our group may just want to turn to another Southwestern classic, this one found on our appetizer menu. Elote combines all the best flavors of summer in every bite and as you savor every bite, don’t be surprised when your kids suddenly turn to you, demanding to know what you are eating and can they have a bite? (Unless you have ordered extras, we recommend that you just say no or risk losing your elote forever!)
Sweeten up the Season
The joy of Arizona summer will be tasted in every bite you take of our classic Mexican meals and never more so than in the flavors of our not so classic crème filled churros! The surprise, of course, is in the creamy filling that makes you forget that 120 degrees is just around the corner and only remember the chill of your pool, the sound of your favorite music ringing through the night and being able to stay up as late as you want because morning means nothing in the summertime! Stop by one of our Modern Tortilla food trucks day and give out a cheer for summer!