Plan Your Labor Day Catering in Phoenix Today
The heat of summer is entering its last phase, the first school bell of the year has already rung, and the first three-day weekend of the school year is about to take place, making a pool party celebration at your place sound like a very awesome idea. Of course, there is a lot of work involved with party planning, from the cleaning of your house to the shopping for food and drink, and then discovering that your tried and true swimwear is trying your patience and no longer being true to your body type. It can be tiring dealing with all the details that go along with throwing a celebration, but we at Modern Tortilla can take the biggest chore off your seemingly endless list when you choose us for your Labor Day catering in Phoenix!
Think About it
Yes, the temperatures have dropped a few degrees, and the sticky heat of monsoon season has morphed back into the dry heat we are used to, but that mercury will still be lingering in the triple digit zone, and do you really want to stand in front of an open fire or dash about a sweltering kitchen? Of course, you don’t, and when you hire Modern Tortilla to cater your holiday fiesta, you can spend those extra moments lounging in the pool with friends, chatting about how wonderfully quiet your house is now that the littles are back in school, and waiting for the moment when you take your first bite of our tacos. Our taco carts are designed to fit anywhere, so if your Arizona backyard is on the smaller size, don’t worry, we only need a corner of your patio to set up shop and start feeding your favorite people the world’s favorite handheld delight!
Take It Easy
Labor Day is a holiday created to celebrate hardworking Americans by giving them a day where no labor is expected of them, and we can help take the most important of the hosting duties off your hands. Every day is Taco Tuesday with Modern Tortilla, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you and your friends, even if our idea of celebrating is feeding hungry people. It’s our passion, and we can’t wait to share all the good tacos we create, so go ahead and give us a call today at (602) 848-8823 and let’s taco about good food and fun parties!